

var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); var async = require('async'); var _ = require('lodash'); var Handlebars = require('handlebars');

If nodemailer has been defined globally we use that. This allows us to easily replace nodemailer with a mockup when running tests.

var nodemailer = global.nodemailer || require('nodemailer');

Default options.

var defaults = { tmplPath: path.join(process.cwd(), 'mail_templates'), tmplCache: {} };


function Horseshoe(type, opt) { this.type = type; this.options = _.extend({}, defaults, opt); }


Horseshoe.prototype.send = function (msg, cb) { var transport = this._createTransport(); return this._send(transport, msg, function (err, res) { transport.close(); // Make sure we close de transport pool when done! cb(err, res); }); };

Send a single email message.

Horseshoe.prototype._send = function (transport, msg, cb, retries, errors) { var that = this; if (!retries) { retries = 0; } if (!errors) { errors = []; }

Check if errors so far contain fatal errors. If so we won't retry.

var fatalErrors = errors.filter(function (error) { return [ 'AuthError' ].indexOf( >= 0; }); if (retries > 2 || fatalErrors.length) { var err = new Error('Failed sending email after ' + retries + ' attempt(s).'); err.msg = msg; err.transport = transport; err.attempts = errors; return cb(err); } that.render(msg, function (err) { if (err) { return cb(err); }

Set default sender if exists as transport option.

if (!msg.sender && transport.options.sender) { msg.sender = transport.options.sender; } transport.sendMail(msg, function (err, res) { if (err) { errors.push(err); return that._send(transport, msg, cb, ++retries, errors); } res.messageObject = msg; cb(null, res); }); }); }; var formats = [ { name: 'text', ext: 'txt', parse: function (msg, body) { if (typeof body !== 'string') { return; } var textTmplRawArray = body.split('\n'); if (!msg.subject) { msg.subject = textTmplRawArray.shift(); textTmplRawArray.shift(); // remove empty line after subject line } msg.text = textTmplRawArray.join('\n'); } }, { name: 'html', parse: function (msg, body) { msg.html = body; if (!msg.subject) {

TODO: msg.subject = // get page title using cheerio...

} } } ];


Render a message object before sending.

Horseshoe.prototype.render = function (msg, cb) { var that = this; var cache = that.options.tmplCache; var tmplPath = that.options.tmplPath; var template = msg.template; if (!template) { return cb(null); } if (! { = {}; }

Render both html and txt templates. If files are not found...?

async.each(formats, function (format, cb) { var key =; var file = path.join(tmplPath, template + '.' + (format.ext || key));

If template is already cached no need to re-compile.

if (_.isFunction(cache[file])) { format.parse(msg, cache[file](; return cb(); } that.compile(file, function (fn) { try { format.parse(msg, fn(; } catch (exception) { return cb(exception); } cache[file] = fn; cb(); }); }, cb); };


Compile a Handlebars template from file. If file doesn't exist or can not be read no error will be raised. The callback will be invoked passing a dummy template function that does nothing. NOTE: callback will be invoked with only one argument as no errors can be raised.

Horseshoe.prototype.compile = function (fname, cb) { fs.exists(fname, function (exists) { if (!exists) { return cb(function () {}); } fs.readFile(fname, function (err, source) { if (err) { return cb(function () {}); } cb(Handlebars.compile(source.toString())); }); }); }; Horseshoe.prototype._createTransport = function () { return nodemailer.createTransport(this.type, this.options); }; module.exports = function (type, opt) { return new Horseshoe(type, opt); };